Friday, March 15, 2013

Daffodil Day!

This month's #letslunch theme is Daffodils/Spring at my suggestion.*  I chose Daffodils because the Canadian Cancer Society is selling daffodils for their annual Daffodil day to raise awareness for cancer and raise money to support patients living with cancer, like myself, though I am officially in remission.  The Cancer Society does so much to help people.  We all know about their support for research but they also help in many significant ways for people living with cancer.  They provide support in the way of information, survival kits full of things you need during treatment, rides to appointments, phone support and even financial support.  Many of these things, a newly diagnosed patient is not even aware they will need.
So today, my husband and I are donating $10 for every #letslunch post to be matched by his employer for a total of $20 per post.  I will purchase daffodils from the Canadian Cancer Society with the money and deliver them to the Allen Blair (the local cancer centre) where I received my surgeries, radiation and chemo.  Hopefully they will cheer some patients along their journeys.
Now on to my post.  I had the best of intentions for this post.  I was thinking of a lemon cheesecake topped with a limoncello glaze.  However, I have been away the past 3 weeks, arriving home only last night.  I was tending to my Mom, who had open heart surgery.  In my absence, my husband apparently lived exclusively out of the freezer so my fridge contains only some very green cheese and some blackish mandarin oranges.  My intent was to make my list and get out early to the grocery store when I was confronted with this: (you can't quite tell from the photo but it is STILL snowing!)

So I went for plan B, which isn't yellow but does make me think of daffodils in a round about way.  Tuna is one of my favorite foods. Ever. In fact last night on the way home from the airport I stopped at Pacific Fresh Fish and picked up a nice fresh fat tuna steak for dinner.  The reason it makes me think of life and hope and daffodils is that I prefer it raw or lightly seared and during cancer treatment, any raw or 'undercooked' seafoods or meats in general are taboo.  So to me a raw oyster or slab of rare tuna means health!  It means I am healthy enough now to eat my favorite foods and that my immune system works well enough that there is no undue risk by consuming (in large quantities, I might add) seafood!

I simply pat it dry, season with salt and pepper and schemer a but of wasabi paste on top and sear it briefly in a very hot pan on the stove.  Of course I have to fight the cat off the whole time, but I am bigger and stronger than she is!

I am also enjoying posts from my fellow #letslunchers and you should too

Annabelle‘s Red Pepper and Eggplant Confit at Glass of Fancy
Anne Marie‘s Zihuatanejo (Or Veal Shank Redemption Sammy) at Sandwich Surprise
Grace‘s Meyer Lemon and Mandarin Citrus Bundt Cake at HapaMama
Linda‘s Brassica Fried Rice at Spicebox Travels
Lisa‘s Salad of Chargrilled Sourdough, Tomato and Haloumi Cheese at Monday Morning Cooking Club
Lucy‘s Carrot Souffle at A Cook and Her Books
Monica‘s Roses and Eggplant at A Life of Spice
Cheryl's moving tribute at A Tiger in the Kitchen
Rebecca's Goat Cheese Panna Cotta at GrongarBlog

* For those of you unfamiliar, #letslunch is a virtual meeting of cooks around the globe that started with a few dedicated cooks on twitter, wanting to share lunch but being unable to due to geography.  Now it has blossomed to a large group of us who share recipes, photos and stories on our respective blogs and post them on a pre-arranged Friday.  If you haven't tried it out, you really need to join us.  And if you don't tweet, that's OK too since we have recently expanded to Facebook as well.


  1. You are too cute -- thanks for organizing this month's! xx

  2. Karen, thanks so much for organizing this month. I am so glad you're healthy and can enjoy ALL THE TUNA YOU WANT!

  3. I'd never heard of Daffodil Day before, but what a great cause! And fantastic that you're in good health and can enjoy all that delicious seafood; it's one of the best things around.

  4. How wonderful! Good for you that you can enjoy your favorites, and that you have created this generous circle complete with daffodils. Thank you for organizing LL this month too, and here's to your best spring ever. I'm getting tuna steaks which we will enjoy while toasting your good health with our raised forks!

  5. Thank you for such a generous mission this month for #LetsLunch. So happy that you are healthy and can eat the foods that you truly love.
