Friday, March 18, 2011

Sushi Sushi

This month’s #letslunch endeavor is small bites for spring.  This left me with a bit of a dilemma since spring is an awfully long way off here on the prairies.  So I dug my way through the snow to my favorite local fish shop in search of fresh ingredients to make sushi at home.  Heck, there ain’t a farmer’s market here until at least June so fresh to me is imported fresh.

The tuna looked fantastic – line caught only 2 days ago in the deep pacific so it was sashimi grade, scallops, masago (both frozen – which is preferable due to bacterial concerns) and some pickled sea beans.  I think I see my challenge.

I have eaten my own weight in sushi but have never tried to make it myself until now and figured that this would be a good time to start.  Armed with a recipe for sushi rice and good fish…here I go…

I love sushi, I love Asian food in general.  Don’t let it scare you – if I can do it at home, so can you!


  1. Lovelovelove the video. I haven't made sushi in years but this inspired me to try it again! Now to get one of those sushi-rolling mats. Thanks for sharing...

  2. This is Mike.. I love the video. You are awesome and I love your passion for cooking.

  3. Well if Mike likes it, that is all what counts.
    It looks good, maybe one day I will try it too.

  4. I watched twice, once for sushi once to stare at that gorgeous ring :D
    This is so fun and you did a great job of inspiring people to try this. Hope you make more videos, too!
